Rike Ziegler

Student Game Producer

Hi, let me tell you a little bit about me!

Rike Ziegler
Games / Interactive Media Student Producer

My path to game development started at the Stuttgart Media University. There I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Audiovisual Media (B.Eng). During my studies, I initially focused on 3D computer graphics and learned the basics of 3D art and modeling. While researching areas of application, I eventually discovered environment art in games. Games offered the opportunity to create entire worlds and the freedom to build everything really fascinated me.

I then completed my compulsory internship as a 3D generalist at a german indie games studio. My employers, Studio Sterneck, also gave me the chance to look into level and game design. This further strengthened my passion for games. With completing my bachelor’s degree, I asked myself what I wanted to do next and where I saw my future in the games industry. Since I had gain experience in the different departments needed to develop a game and have always taken on an organizational role in my projects, I decided to lean more into the production side of things. Since 2022 I have been studying Interactive Media with a focus on Transmedia and Games Producing at the Animation Institute of the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg.

I love games not only as a finished product, but also the process that leads to it. The iterative work and the close collaboration with a team are two aspects that I particularly enjoy. With my background in 3D art and games design as well as a basic understanding of programming, I have a good base and understanding of the different processes that are necessary to develop a game.
My work as a producer is based on two pillars. On the one hand the interpersonal and on the other hand the organizational. I really enjoy working with other people from different disciplines. Among other things, I see it as my task to create an environment in which everyone in the team can work to the best of their ability.
In the organizational area, I enjoy planning projects and ensuring that tasks and goals can be implemented within the time frame.

I currently work in the industry as an assistant producer at the german games studio LAB132.